The Overwatch Commanding Officer, This unit is designated to command ALL Overwatch inside its division, aswell as others if there are no CO's in the division that you are commanding. Any overwatch unit that is given order by this unit, MUST follow it, Unless the Sectorial commander denies it They are extremely agile and strong.
Elite Overwatch Soldier, The Elite of the Overwatch Transhuman arm, Trained to fire all weapons, They are very agile and strong.
Overwatch Synth Soldier, This unit will tear you limb from limb just for adressing it, It only takes orders from The Sectorial Commander, Or the Overwatch Commanding Officer When the SeC Has given him auth to call it in. This unit is almost unkillable, It can powergame in most scenarios, It is armed with two Miniguns aswell as a hand mounted RPG. This unit is unmeasureable in strength and agility.
Overwatch Soldiers, Theese units are the normal ground unit, They're ruthless killers, But not as strong as the elite overwatch, They're usually armed with an ar2+pistol, Or just a shotgun, 2 flash, 1 grenade.